June 7: Summer’s Coming

Happy June to all of you. It’s gotten pretty hot this week and I have not really been inspired to cook much. But I still wanted to get a post out so I will share what I have with you.

Veggie Stirfry with Noodles & Tofu:

I’m gonna start with the tofu. I crumbled it up and squeezed some water out. Then I coated all the pieces in corn starch then mixed in egg and pan fried it all until the pieces were golden brown. I’ve used this method before and it worked out great but I think my tofu was too watery this time so it didn’t get as crispy. Still tasty but just different texture.

After all the tofu was fried, I coded it in a little sweet-and-sour honey, garlic sauce, and then baked it in the oven just around 15 minutes.

For the stirfry, I’ve got onion, carrot, celery, bell pepper, and snap peas. I sautéed all of those veggies and then seasoned them with soy sauce, honey and Sriracha.

I also cooked up some thicker egg noodles and mix those in at the end with the vegetables (after boiling in water). I just served the tofu on top of my vegetables and noodles and it was a delicious meal.

Jazzing up Leftover Pizza:

Not all meals can be fancy meals. We ordered pizza one night this week and for lunch the next day, I wanted to add some toppings. I added some sliced olives and the Trader Joe’s hot and sweet jalapenos. Those were two very good additions. And then when I took the pizza out of the toaster oven, I added some sriracha for a little extra kick.

Then I had to add some veggies here too, so I got some snap peas and radish with hummus.

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